PTO Seeking Committee Chairs for 2018-19 School Year

There are several PTO Committee chair positions that are opening up for next year. Some of these require only a minimal time commitment. If you are interested in leading one of the committees below or have any questions, please contact Alice Waverley at

8th Grade Year End Activities – work with HMS administration to plan graduation, organize the graduation dance and 8th grade breakfast. We have 2 chairs and are looking for 1 more co-chair. Ideally these chairs will have an 8th grade student next year.

Activities Fair – Looking for 1-2 chairs to support this event, which allows students to learn about the various extracurricular clubs and activities available. Coordinate a small gift for each club sponsor and assist on the day of the event. Typically held in September.

Back To School Day – Scheduled for Friday, August 17, 2018. Looking for 1-2 co-chairs to organize stations and volunteers for this day when students pick up their schedules, buy locks and spiritwear, set up their lockers, etc

Book Fair – Organize the book fair, which is held in March. Work closely with the MRC Director and staff the event. We currently have 1 chair and are looking for 1-2 more co-chairs.

Future Funds – Evaluate funding requests submitted by teachers and staff twice a year. Looking for one chair and several individuals to join this committee.

Gardening – Take care of planting/decorating seasonal pots and/or planters at the new HMS building.

Hospitality – Provide refreshments a few times a year for events such as: Back to School Day, Curriculum Night, 5th Grade Parent Night and 1-2 PTO meetings. All expenses will be reimbursed.

Lost and Found – Sort, organize and donate items left at school.

SELAS/Service – Looking for one Service chair to organize 1-2 service project opportunities for students, often coordinated with Student Council. We already have a chairperson coordinating the SELAS portion with Student Support Services.