Girls on the Run Registration is Open! Join us!

Girls on the Run
Heart & Sole (Program name for grades 6-8)

HMS is excited to announce that we will be launching a spring season of Girls on the Run. We will host both in-person and remote participants. If you are familiar with the program, you know it is a great activity for all! If you are not familiar with Girls on the Run, please see the website below for more information. But in short, we often describe it as a cross between a girls’ group & a “running” group. GOTR-Chicago describes The Heart & Sole curriculum as: “rich with themes girls can relate to, addressing the whole girl—body, brain, heart, spirit and social connection—and building important life skills such as team building, developing a support system, boundary setting, decision making, asking for and providing help and more.”

While we will make some modifications for a Covid-safe environment, we will be able to continue the best and most important parts of the program.

Here are the details for the 2021 season!

-We meet March 23rd – late May on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 – 4:30.

-We hold discussions, participate in a wide range of activities & games, walk/jog/run, and complete a 5K! (Virtual, but HMS will host its own! Date & location TBD!)

If you are interested…

1) Go online and check out the program:

2) Decide whether you can commit to two days a week from March through May, Tuesdays & Thursdays.

3) Register!

Once you register, we will reach out to all participants closer to our start date!

Ask Mrs. Eggert ( or Mrs. Fetty (